Golden Industrial Brush
        Manufacturer of Industrial Brushes in China


People drive the enterprise

The ability and commitment of our employees form the basis for the success of the Golden Industrial Brush. With flat hierarchies and a lively corporate culture, we encourages taking responsibility and offers diverse career opportunities.

Our personnel policy is therefore focussed on
  • the promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and action,
  • the development of intercultural competence,
  • the intensification of self-management, flexibility and innovation.
    The Leadership Training and Self Managed Development are key employee development programs.

    By offering extremely variable working hour models, telecommuting positions and support to those returning to the workplace, Golden Industrial Brush places a great deal of importance on reconciling family and career. An internet portal gives information about all the vacant jobs in the Golden Industrial Brush and the opportunities for vocational training: CAREERS

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    59#, Jinde Road
    Jinshan Industry Zone
    Donglin Town
    Huzhou313002, Zhejiang
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